The "Showing Up is Job 1" regional attendance initiative, sponsored by our ESD and local school districts, is launching a new service to support to students, parents, and caregivers who are struggling with a school attendance issue.
This pilot program provides an "After Hours School Attendance Hotline."
The number is (231) 846-7999 and will be answered between the hours of 7-9 pm, Sunday – Thursday.
A student, parent, or caregiver can call "after hours" and be able to speak to someone who will help them connect to the people and resources back in their own school districts later.
Texts can also be sent to the hotline number.
"We want to listen and help as best we can," said WSESD Superintendent Jason Jeffrey. "If regular school hours don't work for someone who wants to talk about their attendance concern, we want to be available in the evenings, too."
Click here to go to the After Hours School Attendance Hotline info page.