Pupil Auditing
Pupil Auditing is the process which ultimately determines the amount of State Aid a district will receive for its educational operations.
Pupil Auditing services provided by WSESD include:
Providing consultation to local districts in matters of pupil accounting laws and rules.
Providing annual training for local district staff.
Supplying districts with necessary data, forms and instructions.
Conducting formal audits of the pupil accounting records in the fall and in the spring.
Maintaining records of audited student counts from year-to-year to provide the community with accurate information regarding its local school populations.
Assisting with Michigan Student Data System reporting.
All Pupil Auditing forms and instructions are housed at our Green Audit Site.
To access the forms, please contact Pam Moul at pmoul@wsesd.org to establish a
Moodle account.
Pupil Auditing Forms