Allied Health Technology
Course Description
Health care is a high demand field and provides and rewarding career. The Allied Health course helps prepare students for a career in this field by covering medical terminology, anatomy, patient care skills and by providing students with in-the-field clinical rotations. Students with a passion for helping others, patience, and a strong background in STEM should consider this course as a senior. Pathways: Health Sciences
Articulation Agreement
CTE students completing one year of Allied Health Technology will be eligible, upon meeting certain guidelines and upon graduation from high school, to receive advanced credit at West Shore Community College, Ferris State Univeristy, Davenport University and Baker College - Muskegon.
CNA – Certified Nurse Assistant
CareerSafe OSHA Healthcare Certification
Adult Basic Life Support & AED
Child Basic Life Support & AED
Infant Basic Life Support
First Aid
CET (Certified EKG Technician)
Potential Careers | Course Considerations |