Physical Therapist Services

Man working with a child through physical therapy

What is a Physical Therapist?

Physical therapists work with children and students from birth to age 26. They aid with restoring, maintaining, and improving physical movement. Their focus is helping students participate in age-appropriate large motor activities and learning to safely navigate their school environment. Physical therapists provide consultation and professional development to local school staff about adjustments that schools can make to help students with physical impairments participate in class activities. Physical therapists may address medical issues that affect a student's physical performance at school, but they do not make medical diagnoses. Since 2006, they have been required have a master's degree in physical therapy and a license from the State of Michigan.

What is a Physical Therapist Assistant?

Physical therapist assistants work under the guidance of a physical therapist to serve students eligible for special education from birth to age 26. They aid with, restoring, maintaining and improving physical movement. Their focus is helping students participate in age appropriate large motor activities and navigating around the school environment. Physical therapist assistants provide education and techniques parents can use to work with their children at home, and consult with local school staff to develop plans to help students in the classroom. They are required to have an associate's degree, and be licensed through the State of Michigan.

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Physical Therapist

Kevin Tabaczka


Physical Therapy Assistant

Ann Gilchrist
